Training on Strawberry, Horticulture & Vegetable cultivation

Selected the Beneficiaries for Training:
We take a careful and thoughtful approach in identifying individuals who express a genuine interest in the realms of Horticulture, Strawberry cultivation, and Vegetable cultivation. Our selection process is designed to pinpoint participants who display the enthusiasm and potential to thrive in these agricultural pursuits.

Conducted Training on Horticulture, Strawberry, and Vegetable Cultivation:
Our training programs are all-encompassing, covering the intricacies of Horticulture, Strawberry cultivation, and Vegetable farming. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills development, participants are equipped with the expertise needed to excel in these agricultural practices. We delve into the latest and most effective cultivation techniques, ensuring that beneficiaries are well-prepared for successful and sustainable farming.

Provided Hand-Holding Support to the Beneficiaries for Starting Their Activities:
Recognizing that the journey doesn't end with training, we extend ongoing support to our beneficiaries as they initiate their ventures. Our team is committed to providing hands-on guidance and assistance, offering practical insights to help participants navigate the initial stages of establishing and managing their horticultural and farming activities.

Provided Material for Starting Horticulture, Strawberry, and Vegetable Cultivation Activities:
To facilitate a smooth start to their agricultural endeavors, we supply beneficiaries with the essential materials and resources. This includes saplings, seeds, farming tools, and other necessary equipment. Our goal is to eliminate barriers to entry, ensuring that participants have everything they need to kickstart their journey into the realms of Horticulture, Strawberry cultivation, and Vegetable farming. We believe in empowering individuals to cultivate sustainable practices and contribute to the growth of their local communities.
